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Woman's Ponytail NIKE SYN | Synthetic Hair

€ 49,00

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Want to increase incredibly your Head of Hair... This is exactly what you need!

NIKE SYN is a magnificent synthetic hair ponytail that can be fixed at your hair with a handy quick hair elastic. And also it can be easily braid!

NIKE is available also in the version with human hair click here to see it.

Hair length: ~ cm 68


Toupees and Hairpieces : For her

Hair type: Synthetic

care and

Washing instructions:

  • Before you wash the tail, brush it with a large-tooth comb with gentleness
  • Prepare a basin or fill up the washbasin with COLD water
  • Add a small quantity of shampoo for synthetic fibre and make the water foam
  • Immerse the tail completely and leave it to soak for approximately 5/6 minutes massaging the hair delicately with the fingers, without wrinkle and shake
  • After that, take the tail out of the water and rinse it well with COLD water without wring out. If available, you can use a shower head to rinse the tail
  • Repeat washing and rinsing a second time
  • Wrap the tail in a soft towel delicately in order to remove water in excess without rub it
  • Catch the tail and shake it lightly to give volume
  • Let it dry at the air at room-temperature: if you wash it in the evening, you will find it dry the morning after


Only when the tail is completely dry, you can brush it VERY gently with a large-tooth comb to give the desired style. It is absolutely FORBIDDEN to brush the tail until it is totally dry. IT IS FORBIDDEN to use hair-drier, hair straightener and any other tool that employ heat. DON'T bring the tail nearer to any source of heat or hot object. The worst enemy of synthetic fibre is strong heat! DON'T do any hair dye, highlights, permanent or any other treatment. DON'T use hair spray, hair gel, oil, hair mousse or any other hair product because you risk to damage the fibre. DON'T sleep wearing the tail.

to wear

Fix the tail at your hair using handy elastic that is at his end.


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