Do you want to change look every time that you desire? Do you want to see you with the fringe without cutting your hair? We have the right solution for you! A human hair fringe available in different shades that can be perfectly mixed with the colour of your hair. As it is made with human hair you can change colour and style following the indications contained in our website. The fringe can be applied with some small simple gestures, and most of all you can put it and remove it when you want!
The fringe can be cut. There are 3 easy clips that allow you to fix the fringe to your hair in a safe way with maximum easiness.
It is also available synthetic hair version model Fringe cod.TFPO166 Synthetic Hair
[Model in the photo wears the fringe in colour LIGHT BLOND/MEDIUM BLOND MIX]
Hair type: Human
care and
To preserve the bright, soft and natural appearance of your fringe we suggest you to follow the instructions below concerning care and maintenance. Fringe has to be washed around every one or two weeks, if you often use it. In the "Accessories" section you can find specific products for washing, care and maintenance.
Proceed with washing as follows:
> Before you wash the fringe, brush it with a large-tooth comb with gentleness.
> Wet the fringe delicately with TEPID water, holding it with a hand, using a shower head if available (Photo A - Washing).
> Apply a neutral shampoo and brush delicately, WITHOUT TANGLE THE HAIR.
> After that rinse the fringe well with TEPID water without wring out, continuing brush it with a large-tooth comb.
> Repeat washing and rinsing a second time proceeding as above described.
To keep the fringe bright and soft we suggest you to apply a gentle hair conditioner for treated hair on the lengths, continuing brush hair delicately (you find it on our website at the section "Accessories").
> Let the conditioner act for 5/6 minutes.
> After that rinse the fringe well with TEPID water without wring out, continuing brush the wig.
> Wrap it gently in a soft towel to remove water in excess without rub.
> Concerning fringe's drying you can proceed in two ways: you can let the fringe dry at the air at room-temperature or you can dry it with hair-drier giving to the wig the desired style (Photo B - Styling with hair dryer).
DON'T use the hair-drier with the maximum temperature and DON'T keep it too close to the hair because you risk to sear it and so you avoid compromising the gloss and the softness of the hair. We advice you against using hair straightener, curling irons, hot rollers or any other instrument which use heat as elevated temperature risks to compromise hair quality. If you use rollers you can employ hood dryer with medium temperature.
Brush the fringe with a large-tooth comb always with maximum gentleness, to avoid to slacken hair knot. You can use hair products in minimum quantity. In any case we advice against applying hair spray or hair mousse or other products that contain gas, alcohol or other aggressive ingredients. DON'T sleep wearing the fringe.

to wear
Fringe can be applied with some small simple gestures, and most of all you can put it and remove it when you want! How to wear it:
- separate hair making centre parting
- brush hair behind ears
- open all clips
- fix first central clip and then side clips to your hair